Tight Mind Monday: Countdown To Competition Pt. 1
Dec 4, 2017
Countdown to Competition Pt. 1, Begin With The End In Mind
J.O. competition season is here! But don’t stress out, because our next six Tight Mind Mondays will be a countdown to competition. This series will help you get your mind tight and ready to have an awesome season!
In this first segment, we will begin "with the end in mind.” This means we are beginning by thinking about how we want to feel at the end of season. Imagine you are walking out on the floor at state championships 2018. How do you want to feel, think, act? What is your perfect mental state for competition?
Here Are Your Tight Mind Tips:
First, on a piece of paper, write three words that describe how you want to feel during your big meets at the end of season. Examples might be confident, relaxed, happy, and fierce.
Next, what thoughts do you want to be thinking at those meets? What are you favorite Tight Mind thoughts that get you into a great mental state? “I can do this” and “just like practice” are some good possibilities. Write three of your favorite pump-up thoughts on your paper.
Finally, think about your body language. Your body language speaks volumes about your confidence level. How do you want to walk, look, and stand at the competition? Do you want to have your head up, shoulders back, and slight swagger? Write three aspects of your face and body language that you want to portray during your meets this season.
You now have nine things to work on in order to develop your competition confidence. Pick one a day to focus on for the next nine workouts. We all know that what we practice now will pay off later! Stay tuned for segment two of the Countdown to Competition next week on Tight Mind Monday.
Alison Arnold, Ph.D. has been a peak performance consultant to USA Gymnastics since 1997. For more information on Doc Ali and her work, go to www.headgameswebcamp.com or www.headgamesworld.com