The 28 Gymnasts Who Qualified To Elite In 2018
The 28 Gymnasts Who Qualified To Elite In 2018
Meet the 28 elite gymnasts who qualified for the first time this year, and learn more about their skills here.
After several elite qualifiers, the field is set for the USA Gymnastics elite season, beginning with the American Classic and U.S. Classic in July. This year, over 20 gymnasts qualified to the elite level for the first time. Learn more about these newcomers and what they have to offer below.
1. Stephanie Berger
Gym: Brestyan's
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: AA and BB silver, VT bronze
- 2018 Region 6 Championships: VT and BB gold, AA bronze
- 2018 Massachusetts State Championships: VT and BB gold
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Maloney, straddled Jaeger, double tuck dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, switch split leap to split leap
- FX: double pike, 1.5 through to 2/1 twist, double Y turn, 1.5 to front pike
Check out her beam routine here:
2. Isabel Mabanta
Gym: Denton Gymnastics Academy
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: BB gold, VT bronze
- 2018 Region 3 Championships: BB AA gold, VT silver, UB bronze, 5th FX
- 2018 Texas State Championships: VT silver, 4th AA, 5th FX
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: straddled Jaeger, Pak salto, double front tuck dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO, split jump sissone, switch split leap split leap 1/2, 2/1 twist dismount, wolf turn, switch split leap full, side somi,
- FX: RO double tuck, wolf turn, front lay Rudi, 2/1 twist
3. Skye Blakely
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 International Gymnix: 5th BB
- 2018 WOGA Classic: 5th VT and UB
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Maloney, piked Tkatchev to Pak salto, full-in dismount
- BB: 1.5 wolf turn, BHS LOSO, front aerial split jump to split jump 1/2, front tuck straddle jump, switch split leap to switch split leap 1/1 to back tuck, double tuck dismount
- FX: tucked full-in, 2/1 twist, FHS 1/1, double wolf turn, double pike
4. Sophia Butler
Gym: Discover
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 WOGA Classic: VT UB bronze, FX AA silver
- 2018 Chows Challenge Elite Qualifier: UB FX AA gold, VT BB silver
- 2017 Hopes Championships: AA bronze, VT UB gold
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Maloney, toe-on 1/2 to piked Jaeger, toe-on 1/1 to Pak salto, DLO dismount
- BB: BHS BHS LO, aerial straddle jump, Onodi sheep jump, aerial ring jump, double pike dismount
- FX: piked full-in, 1.5 punch front, FHS 2/1 twist, double pike
5. Kailin Chio
Gym: Gymcats
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: AA BB silver
- 2018 Region 1 Championships: VT FX gold, BB silver, 4th AA
- 2018 Nevada State Championships: VT silver, 4th AA
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: piked Jaeger, DLO dismount
- BB: RO BHS mount, BHS LO LO, front aerial split jump, split jump ring jump, split jump 1/2, BHS BHS 1/1 dismount
- FX: double pike, RO 2/1 twist, 1.5 to front pike
6. Claire Dean
Gym: Head Over Heels
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Auburn Elite Qualifier: UB BB FX AA gold, VT bronze
- 2018 NorCal State Championships: 5th VT UB
- 2018 Fiesta Bowl National Qualifier (Optionals): VT gold, AA silver, UB bronze, 4th BB FX
- 2018 Fiesta Bowl National Qualifier (Compulsories): VT silver, UB AA bronze, 4th BB, 5th FX
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: piked Jaeger, Ray, Pak salto, double pike dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, switch leap switch leap 1/2, RO LO, RO 1.5 dismount
- FX: 1.5 to full, double pike
7. Amari Drayton
Gym: Olympia Hills
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Auburn Elite Qualifier: VT FX AA gold, UB BB silver
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: AA UB gold, FX silver, BB bronze
- 2018 Region 3 Championships: VT UB silver, FX AA bronze
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: toe-on 1/2 to straddled Jaeger, Pak salto, full-out dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO, double tuck dismount
- FX: tucked full-in, 1.5 to front pike, 2/1 twist
8. Aleah Finnegan
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Brestyan's National Qualifier: FX gold, AA silver, VT UB BB bronze
- 2018 Missouri State Championships: VT gold, FX bronze, 4th BB, 5th AA
- 2017 J.O. Nationals: AA gold
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko 1.5
- UB: straddled Jaeger, double arabian dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, aerial BHS, aerial LO
- FX: double arabian, double pike, 2/1 twist to front tuck, 1.5 wolf turn, double tuck
9. Delaney Fisher
Gym: Georgia Elite
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: 4th AA
- 2018 Region 8 Championships: UB bronze
- 2018 Georgia State Championships: VT silver, UB bronze
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: piked Jaeger, Pak salto, full-in dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO, switch split leap back tuck to split jump sissone, 1.5 twist dismount
- FX: double pike, 1.5 to front pike, double tuck
10. eMjae Frazier
Gym: Parkette's
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Auburn Elite Qualifier: UB BB gold, FX AA silver, VT bronze
- 2018 Region 7 Championships: AA bronze, BB silver, 5th UB
- 2018 Pennsylvania State Championships: AA VT UB FX gold, 4th BB
Notable Skills:
- UB: Maloney to Tkatchev, Pak salto, DLO dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO, switch split leap split jump, double tuck dismount
- FX: double pike, double tuck, 2/1 twist, 1.5 to punch front, double wolf turn
11. Elizabeth Gantner
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Auburn Elite Qualifier: UB BB AA gold, FX silver, VT bronze
- Region 5 Championships: VT silver, 4th AA, 5th BB
- 2018 Indiana State Championships: 5th UB
- 2017 J.O. Nationals: BB bronze
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Ray, full pirouette to Pak salto, DLO dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, switch split leap split leap 1/2 back tuck, straddle 1/2, front aerial split jump straddle jump, double tuck dismount
- FX: double pike, double tuck, 1.5 to punch front
12. Karis German
Gym: World Champions Centre
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: VT gold, BB AA silver
- 2018 Region 3 Championships: VT BB AA silver, 5th UB
- 2018 Texas State Championships: VT AA gold, UB BB silver
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: van Leeuwen, piked Jaeger, DLO dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO, switch split leap sissone wolf jump, aerial to split jump, double tuck dismount
- FX: double pike, FHS 1.5, 1.5 to punch front, double tuck
13. Trista Goodman
Gym: Salcianu Elite
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Nevada State Championships: BB silver, UB AA bronze, 4th AA
- KPAC Cup 2018: UB BB AA gold, VT FX silver
- Brestyan's Las Vegas Invitational: VT UB AA gold, BB FX silver
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: pirouette 1/2 to piked Jaeger, Pak salto, double tuck dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, front aerial split jump sissone, 2/1 twist dismount
- FX: double pike, FHS 1.5, double wolf turn, double tuck
14. Zoe Gravier
Gym: MG Elite
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Brestyan's National Qualifier (Optionals): FX bronze, 4th UB, 5th AA
- 2018 Brestyan's National Qualifier (Compulsories): UB AA gold, BB FX silver, VT bronze
- WOGA Classic: VT silver, UB bronze, 4th AA
- 2017 J.O. Nationals: AA silver
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: piked Jaeger, Pak salto, full-in dismount
- BB: triple wolf turn, double wolf turn, BHS LOSO, switch leap split jump, double tuck dismount
- FX: FHS 2/1 twist, double wolf turn, whip to double tuck, 2.5 twist, double pike
15. Olivia Greaves
Gym: MG Elite
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Brestyan's National Qualifier: VT AA gold, UB FX silver, 5th BB
- 2018 Nastia Cup: FX silver, 4th VT, 10th AA
- 2018 WOGA Classic: VT UB AA gold, BB FX silver
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: straddled Jaeger, straddled Tkatchev to Pak salto, van Leeuwen, full-in dismount
- BB: double wolf turn, split jump straddle jump, BHS LOSO, double tuck dismount
- FX: tucked full-in, front tuck through to 1.5 to stag jump, double pike, double tuck
16. Alexis Jeffrey
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: AA UB gold
- 2018 Region 4 Championships: VT UB AA gold, 4th FX
- 2018 Missouri State Championships: UB gold, VT BB AA bronze
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Maloney to Pak salto, van Leeuwen, straddled Jaeger, full-in dismount
- BB: wolf turn, switch split leap wolf jump, BHS LOSO, front tuck split jump, straddle 1/4
- FX: double arabian, double wolf turn, double pike, front tuck through to full
17. Levi Jung-Ruivivar
Gym: Paramount Elite
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 WOGA Classic: UB silver, 5th AA
- 2018 Brestyan's Las Vegas Invitational: UB BB FX AA gold, VT bronze
- 2018 Fiesta Bowl Qualifier: UB BB gold, FX silver, 4th VT AA
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: piked Jaeger, toe-on 1/1 pirouette to Pak salto, full-in dismount
- BB: front aerial split jump to Korbut, switch split leap sissone, BHS LOSO, double pike dismount
- FX: 1.5 punch front tuck, 1.5 punch front layout, double pike
18. Alonna Kratzer
Gym: Top Notch
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Brestyan's National Qualifier: UB gold, 4th AA, 5th VT FX
- 2018 KPAC Cup: UB gold
- 2018 Fiesta Bowl Qualifier: FX gold, VT UB AA silver
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full, DTY
- UB: pirouette 1/2 to hip circle to piked Jaeger, toe-on piked Tkatchev, Pak salto, full-out dismount
- BB: double wolf turn, straddle jump 1/2, BHS LOSO, aerial split jump sissone, double pike dismount
- FX: double tuck, 1.5 punch front tuck, double pike
19. Lillian Lewis
Gym: San Mateo
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: BB gold, AA bronze
- 2018 Region 1 Championships: UB AA gold, VT silver, 5th FX
- 2018 NorCal State Championships: VT UB bronze, 5th AA
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: piked Jaeger, Pak salto, double pike dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO, switch split leap split jump, double tuck dismount
- FX: tucked full-in, FHS front pike punch front, wolf turn, double tuck, FHS front lay front 1/2, double pike
20. Kaliya Lincoln
Gym: Airborne
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 NorCal State: BB FX AA gold, VT silver
- 2018 WOGA Classic: VT silver, AA FX bronze, 4th BB
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: straddled Jaeger, Pak salto, double pike dismount
- BB: BHS BHS LO two feet, front aerial split jump straddle jump, double pike dismount
- FX: tucked full-in, front tuck through to double tuck, double wolf turn, double pike
21. Mallory Marcheli
Gym: Stars
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Brestyan's National Qualifier: 4th BB, 5th UB
- 2018 Region 3 Championships: 4th AA
- 2018 TX State Championships: 4th FX, 5th BB AA
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Maloney to Pak salto, straddled Jaeger, double tuck dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO, double turn, 2/1 twist dismount
- FX: double pike, 1.5 punch front, double wolf turn, double tuck, 2/1 twist
22. Sydney Morris
Gym: First State
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: UB silver
- 2018 Region 7 Champs: UB silver
- 2018 Fiesta Bowl Qualifier (Optionals): UB AA gold, BB silver, VT bronze
- 2018 Fiesta Bowl Qualifier (Compulsories): UB BB AA gold, 4th VT, 5th BB
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: piked Jaeger, Pak salto, full-in dismount
- BB: wolf turn, split jump straddle jump, BHS LOSO LOSO, straddle jump 1/2, switch split leap split leap 1/2 back pike, double pike dismount
- FX: FHS front full, double tuck, wolf turn, double pike
23. Lauren Pearl
Gym: Brestyan's
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: VT silver, BB bronze
- 2018 Region 6 Championships: VT BB AA gold, 5th FX
- 2018 Massachusetts state championships: VT BB FX AA gold, 4th UB
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: double layout dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, switch split leap split jump, double pike dismount
- FX: double arabian, full through to double tuck, FHS front lay front lay, double pike
24. Katelyn Rosen
Gym: Mavericks
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: FX gold, 5th AA
- 2018 Region 3 Championships: AA gold, BB silver, VT bronze, 4th UB
- 2018 Texas State Championships: FX gold, VT silver, BB AA bronze
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Tkatchev, Pak salto, double pike dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, switch split leap 1/2 back tuck, front aerial split jump wolf jump, double tuck dismount
- FX: tucked full-in, front tuck through to double back, double L turn, double pike
25. Lyden Saltness
Gym: Midwest
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: UB gold
- 2018 Region 4 Championships: UB FX AA gold, VT BB bronze
- 2018 Minnesota State Champs: VT silver, 5th FX
Notable Skills:
- UB: piked Jaeger, Pak salto, Maloney, full pirouette to double pike dismount
26. Ava Siegfeldt
Gym: World Class
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 J.O. Nationals: 4th VT
- 2018 Region 7 Championships: VT FX gold, 4th AA
- 2018 Virginia State Championships: VT BB AA gold, UB FX silver
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Maloney to Pak salto, double pike dismount
- BB: BHS BHS LO two feet, front aerial split jump sissone, switch split leap, split leap 1/2, 2/1 twist dismount
- FX: double pike, double tuck, 1.5 to punch front tuck, 2/1 twist
27. Ui Soma
Gym: San Mateo
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Auburn Elite Qualifier: UB BB AA gold, VT FX silver
- J.O. Nationals: BB gold, AA bronze
- 2018 Region 1 Championships: UB FX silver
- 2018 NorCal State Championships: FX bronze
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: Maloney, piked Jaeger, Pak salto, double pike dismount
- BB: double wolf turn, switch split leap split leap 1/2, BHS BHS LO two feet, double pike dismount
- FX: double wolf turn, double pike, Rudi to full twist, 2.5 twist
28. Calvary Swaney
Gym: First in Flight
Notable Recent Results:
- 2018 Atlanta Crown: VT FX bronze
Notable Skills:
- VT: Yurchenko full
- UB: toe-on full pirouette to straddled Tkatchev, Pak salto, DLO dismount
- BB: BHS LOSO LOSO, double pike dismount
- FX: double tuck, punch front to full, double pike
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