The Gymnastics Kitchen with Betsy: Amelia Hundley 'Meals with Meels'

The Gymnastics Kitchen with Betsy: Amelia Hundley 'Meals with Meels'

By Betsy McNally-LaouarThis week on the Gymnastics Kitchen with Betsy, we are highlighting the journey of Amelia "Meels" Hundley of Cincinnati Gymnastics in

Jun 8, 2016 by Betsy McNally
The Gymnastics Kitchen with Betsy: Amelia Hundley 'Meals with Meels'
By Betsy McNally-Laouar

This week on the Gymnastics Kitchen with Betsy, we are highlighting the journey of Amelia "Meels" Hundley of Cincinnati Gymnastics in preparation for this year’s P&G Championships in St. Louis. I have had the pleasure and honor of being Amelia’s personal trainer and nutritionist for the last two years.

At the last National Team Training Camp at the Karolyi Ranch, Meels won physical abilities and showed up in the best shape of her career. She has been working hard on her meal plan and training to bring her best physique to Nationals this year.

In preparation for Amelia’s journey to Nationals, we have worked together to enhance her conditioning through functional training circuits and proper nutritional choices. We are currently working each week on her nutrition to tighten her physique while at the same time fueling her body properly for long hours of training. The goal is maximum performance matched with a healthy fit and lean physique.

Amelia's meal plan on the road to Nationals includes an important focus on breakfast, the most important meal of the day. She eats 1-2 hours before her morning workout. For Meels, breakfast always includes a  complex carbohydrate or whole grain, a protein and a fruit. 

Amelia knows that anything eaten at breakfast will be burned throughout the day, not only through training but through natural body functions like breathing, simple body movements and even digesting food! That is why it is IMPERATIVE that all high level athletes eat breakfast as it fuels not only athletic function but also brain and body function.

Here are the major highlights of Amelia’s program: 

* High protein foods in the form of eggs and fish like salmon, tilapia and cod

* Unlimited green veggies, like spinach, asparagus and kale- yielding high levels potassium and magnesium to balance vitamin and minerals in the body

* Bi-weekly healthy refuel cheat meals  that include carb cycling (more on this in later entries of The Gymnastics Kitchen)

* Simple sugars in the form of berries and other fruits

* Moderate amounts of healthy fats in the form of olive and coconut oil and nut butters

* Occasional treats to remain “sane” and enjoy all foods

Want to learn more about Amelia’s food plan and training for Nationals? Stay tuned for more stories on Meals with Meels!

Betsy McNally-Laouar is a personal fitness and gymnastics trainer certified in Sports Nutrition. She currently works with the elite and upper level gymnasts at Cincinnati Gymnastics creating training and meal plans.  She also works with gymnasts all around the country online and through camps. If you need more help with gymnastics recipes, meal plans  and fitness, check out her website, and email her at

The Gymnastics Kitchen with Betsy: Pre/Post Workout Snacks