Recruiting 101: Competing For The Same Scholarship

Recruiting 101: Competing For The Same Scholarship

Expert Jill Hicks breaks down a gymnastics recruiting myth: the idea that athletes from the same gym compete for the same scholarships. Read what the recruiting expert has to say about this situation!

Jul 20, 2017 by Jill Hicks
Recruiting 101: Competing For The Same Scholarship
I have had several parents tell me that there is an unspoken pressure in their club gyms when it comes to recruiting: some parents are very open about their daughters being recruited while others keep things quiet. It can be a very awkward time for everyone because the pressure is on getting their daughters noticed by colleges. 

You may be tempted, as a parent, to scoop up the first scholarship offer your daughter receives, especially if her teammates are looking at many of the same schools. But hopefully I can put you at ease, because the situation in which multiple girls in the same gym are competing for a single scholarship is extremely rare. Here's why:

Each gymnast has different strengths and weaknesses and each coach has different needs for their teams. Yes, a college coach could see two or more level 10s, for example, from the same gym and at first decide they all could be the right fit. As the college coach narrows down exactly what they need, usually only one gymnast will be the right choice. It is very rare that two gymnasts from the same gym have the exact same technique, skills, and academics for the scholarship in question. Then the coach evaluates personality, body type, injuries, and many other factors. 

The best way to work through this situation is to encourage your daughter to keep focused on what she needs to do in the recruiting process. Remind her that the right fit will come along and that comparing herself to others in her gym will do no good. The college coach really has much of the control at this point. The outcome of being the final pick is out of the gymnast's control once she has sent her information to the coaches and done her part to be recruited. Focusing on what your daughter can and cannot do is the key.

The gymnasts should keep working on upgrades, reaching out to coaches, and staying on top of academics. The best piece of advice is to stay positive and see each step in the process as an opportunity to the finish line. The recruiting journey has many peaks and valleys and the gymnast who stays steady typically finds the right fit, and then can look back having learned more about herself than she ever thought possible. 

JH Consulting is an advising business for parents and club gymnasts. Parents hire Jill to help them navigate the college recruiting process. You can call her for a FREE consultation by going to for contact information.