picture of Jaycie Phelps

FlashBack: Jaycie Phelps "Magnificant Moment"

Mar 15, 2013

In this segment of FlashBack with Jaycie Phelps, she takes us back to Atlanta and the 1996 Olympic Games. Jaycie talks the teams accomodations and training environment which was far from a normal olympic experience. She talks about her competition and what was going on behind the scenes just minutes before marching out to compete "Talk about Overwhelming ". Jaycie takes us back to the first event of the Olympic Team final "Bars" and what was going through her head after a not so normal warm-up. Here is the link to Jaycie first FBI Segment: http://www.gymnastike.org/coverage/237412-Flashback-Friday/video/638428-Flash-Back-Jaycie-Phelps-All-or-Nothing