A Day In The Life Of Aly Raisman

A Day In The Life Of Aly Raisman

2012 Olympian Aly Raisman is 21 years old and proving that she's most definitely not too old for elite gymnastics. While typically a 21-year-old female elit

Jan 6, 2016 by Rebecca Johnson
A Day In The Life Of Aly Raisman
2012 Olympian Aly Raisman is 21 years old and proving that she's most definitely not too old for elite gymnastics. While typically a 21-year-old female elite gymnast may be considered "past her prime," Raisman along with many others in the current elite field are defying the stereotypes. However, doing gymnastics at such a high level for so many years takes a toll on the body, so Raisman must be devoted to recovery and fueling her body properly. In a recent article by Boston Magazine, we get to see "A Day In The Life" of Aly Raisman.

7:00 a.m.: Wake up and put on Revision Skincare Intellishade sunscreen. Next, eat breakfast—usually hot water with lemon or coffee, and two pieces of toast or cereal with skim milk.

7:40 a.m.: Drive to practice, at BrestyanÂ’s American Gymnastics in Burlington.

8:30 to 11:15 a.m.: Practice. After that, itÂ’s back home for lunch. A typical lunch is dinner leftovers from the night before, maybe chicken or fish with brown rice and fruit

After lunch: Recovery time, usually by taking a bath, using a NormaTec machine—a system meant to reduce soreness and increase circulation—rolling out, and taking a nap for anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour and a half.

Late afternoon: Before heading back to the gym for another workout, have a snack of fruit (typically either a banana or watermelon) and Greek yogurt with dried cereal.

5:00 to 9:00 p.m.: Workout number two for the day.

9:40 p.m.: Have a late post-practice dinner. Again, itÂ’s usually chicken or fish with vegetables, and a small amount of brown rice or pasta.

10 p.m.: Ice and cool down after practice.

10:15 p.m.: Shower, brush teeth, and put on skincare products—”ItÂ’s therapeutic for me; I am obsessed with skin products”—and head to bed.

For Raisman, the road to Rio is paved by 35 hours of training per week. She is determined to be back for a second Olympics and has a world full of family, friends, and many fans supporting her along the way.

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