Tight Mind Monday: Keeping a Positive Outlook


Doc Ali’s Tight Mind Monday 5-30-16: Positive

In each of us live two wolves–-the wolf of negativity and the wolf of positivity. They constantly battle. The one that wins is the one that we feed.

Which wolf do you feed every day in the gym? Many athletes have fed their wolf of negativity for years telling themselves, “I’m not good at this skill,” “bars is hard for me”, etc. Too much negative thinking for the wolf of fear makes him a big bully! This week, think of your negative thinking as a big, ugly beast trying to bring you down. Separate yourself from the lies it tells you. Fight the negative wolf by staying positive and reminding yourself that you CAN do it!

This week, whenever you find yourself feeding your negative wolf, flip your mind by following these steps.

1. Say to yourself “Stop! Don’t feed it!”

2. Take a deep breath of confidence.

3. Feed your positive wolf by telling yourself at least three positive thoughts.

4. Return to the skill or assignment with determined face and body language.

If you find your negative wolf is still winning the battle, don’t give up! It takes a while to build up your positive wolf. Keep feeding it, day in day out!

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