Tight Mind Monday: Connecting Your Mind with Your Body


Doc Ali’s Tight Mind Monday 12-26-16: Mind and Body Connection

The mind and body connection is very powerful. Since it’s the magic of the Holiday Season, in this Tight Mind Monday, I will show you one of my favorite Doc Ali tricks. It’s called the Magic String and Fishing Weight. Grab a string and fishing weight (or you can use some dental floss and a paper clip, or a ring). Tie the weight so it’s hanging about six inches at the end of the string. Then, hold the top of the string with your dominant hand, allowing the weight to dangle freely. With your eyes open, focus on the weight and imagine it swinging forward and back. While you visualize, say to yourself the words “forward and back.” See if the weight follows your thoughts! Then, try to change the direction of the weight to circle, side to side, and finally make it come to a stop. Most people find, to their amazement, that the weight follows their thought. This is the “magic” of the mind and body connection: What you think is what you do!

How does it happen? When you activate your mind on thoughts and words, your brain sends a nerve impulse down your arm, into your hand, which activates the weight. Imagine what your brain can do when you activate it on a correction!

Here are your Tight Mind Tips:

1. This week, activate your mind by saying your corrections with command every turn. Just as the weight followed your thoughts, your body will too.  

2. With the New Year right around the corner, it’s a great time to remember the power of vision. Create a clear picture of what you want to have happen this year in your mind. Write it down and visualize it as much as possible. Then take action, have plenty of perseverance, keep the faith, and watch what happens.

Watch more Tight Mind Mondays