Tight Mind Monday: How to Discipline Your Mind in the Gym


Doc Ali’s Tight Mind Monday 12-12-16: Discipline

Discipline: Doing what you should do, when you should do it, whether you like it or not. It’s not a very popular word sometimes but a very important one in our sport. Of course you want to be disciplined with your body position every turn and also disciplined with decisions outside of the gym. This week on Tight Mind Monday, we will talk about disciplining another very important aspect of your gymnastics, your mind.

Your mind is like a little monkey, always running here and there, getting into trouble and taking you on “field trips”. Some of these field trips are ones you definitely don’t want to go on! For example, on a fear field trip, your monkey mind might say “This is too scary.” On a frustration field trip it tells you, “I will never get this.” It even rears it’s monkey head at a competition telling you, “I’m not ready, what if I make a mistake.”

Here are two very important Tight Mind Tips to discipline your monkey mind and get it to stay on track!

1. Focus on your breathing. Your breath is always with you and is a great home base to settle your mind. If you feel like you are off in negative mental chatter, simply bring your mind back to your breathing. Notice the inhale and exhale for at least 3-5 breaths. Sometimes it helps to count your breaths as well.

2. Create a mantra to keep your monkey mind busy. “Mantra” is a Sanskrit word meaning protector of the mind.  A mantra is simply a phrase, prayer, or technical cue words that serve as an anchor for your mind.  Think of your mantra like a bunch of bananas. It keeps your monkey mind busy so it can’t get into trouble!  Practice using the saying I can do it. Simply say to yourself the words “I can” on your inhale, and “do it” on your exhale. If you repeat this for 3-5 breaths, you’ll feel your mind become more relaxed and focused.

Practice these tools all this week to tighten your mind. I know you’ll find when your mind is disciplined you feel better and perform better!

More Tight Mind Mondays with Doc Ali