Former Texas Dreams Gymnast Dani Loeb Becomes Amazing Aerial Skier
Former Texas Dreams Gymnast Dani Loeb Becomes Amazing Aerial Skier
Dani Loeb, a former Texas Dreams gymnast, is now an impressive aerial skier. Check out these jaw-dropping photos!

It seems to be true that greatness always leaks on out of Texas Dreams. Except for this time, we are talking skiing. Dani Loeb, a former Texas Dreams athlete, is currently the youngest member to be a part of the U.S. Aerial Ski Team's Development program.
Without a doubt, based on Kim Zmeskal Burdette's video leak, Dani is A BEAST on skis.
Just a to this sweetheart Texas-Dreamer-turned-aerial-skier, Dani Loeb! Just WOW! #wishicouldsaythisisme
— Kim Zmeskal Burdette (@KimZmeskal) December 18, 2017
And from the looks of her Instagram, trading in leotards for snow boots wasn't a bad switch!
Congrats to Dani and best of luck! The gymnastics community salutes you!