The Discussion: The Most Underrated Female Gymnast?

The Discussion: The Most Underrated Female Gymnast?

The Discussion: The Most Unerrated Female Gymnast?

Feb 10, 2011 by Anne Phillips
The Discussion: The Most Underrated Female Gymnast?

For the latest edition of the Gymnastics McLaughlin Group, Blythe Lawrence featured this question: Who is the most underrated female gymnast in the world right now?

A tough call! Here was my answer: 
Chelsea Davis. Her gymnastics is beautiful, but we rarely get to see it. She blew me away as I watched her train back in July, fighting through injuries even then. She peaked at the exact right time in Rotterdam and secured her place in the bars and floor lineup. Unfortunately we all know what happened next. Not only is her gymnastics great, but she handles adversity like a champ and is a pleasure to be around.
- watch videos of Chelsea

There were a wide range of answers among the group including
Anna Pavlova
Jennifer Pinches, Raluca Haidu, Koko Tsurumi, and Jessica Lopez

Here is a sample of a few answers, to view all responses click here
Romila Storjohann (GymNiceTic): Ariella Kaeslin! Everybody goes crazy about Jessica Lopez's achievements and forgets somehow what Ariella accomplished. Sure, Venezuela isn't as rich as Switzerland, but to be such an excellent, successful gymnast from such a small country at this age (23!) is just amazing! She's not only great on vault, but also in the AA and placed 8th in Rotterdam. If she keeps the level and improves her routines here and there, she'll challenge her (younger) competitors, not only in the World Cup series, but also in the all-around at Europeans and Worlds.
- watch video of Ariella

Beatrice Gheorghisor (Gymnastics No Ceiling): Celine Van Gerner is one gymnast that has the potential of being in the top 10 all arounders at 2011 Worlds and she is lovely to watch. She has two strong events -- bars and floor and a lot of potental on vault and beam. I can see her easily upgrading her D-scores on bars and beam; she also has enough stength and speed for a DTY.

Blythe Lawrence (Gymnastics Examiner): Wu Liufang. Yes, she's a two event gymnast. But she could be World Champion on both bars and beam. She does things with more perfection than anyone else in the world right now.

I think Kaeslin was a great suggestion. On the world stage she is underrated, but in her home country of Switzerland she is their hero. 
For the third consecutive year, Ariella Kaeslin was crowned "sportswoman of the year" in Switzerland; she is the first female athlete to have achieved this in a country were gymnastics is overshadowed by ski, tennis or football. 

As a whole most gymnasts around the world will never get the recognition they deserve. What do YOU think? Are we missing anyone? Join the discussion by leaving your comment below. Or, Continue reading on