Doc Ali's Tight Mind Monday: The Secret Of Success


Doc Ali’s Tight Mind Monday 3-20-17: The Secret of Success

We all want to know the secret of success in gymnastics and life. There are so many important factors. Hard work, perseverance, natural talent. All these are crucial, but I find one mindset even more essential to success and happiness both in and out of the gym. It’s a mindset activated by the question, “how can i make the most of this?” When you ask yourself “how can I make the most of this?” in any situation, it moves your mind from being a victim (or even a whiner, God forbid!) to a master of your life. So many times our minds tend to gravitate towards the negative of situations. Maybe we have to get up very early in the morning for practice and we’re exhausted, get injured before season, or fall on the last pressure set and need to do three more. When you focus on the negative aspects of these events, your mental state spirals into depression, anger, and resentment.  

So, what if you disciplined your mind to find the positive and opportunity in EVERY event in your life. What if you decided that nothing bad really happens to you but every event can make you better, more patient, or is something you can learn from.

Here are your Tight Mind Tips:

This week see everything that happens as an opportunity for growth. Practice the statement, “how can i make the most of this?“ as much as possible. Here are some examples:

Before every turn in gymnastics ask yourself, “how can i make the most of this?”
When you experience “failure” ask yourself, “how can i make the most of this?”
In your greatest successes ask yourself, “how can i make the most of this?”
If you become injured ask yourself, “how can i make the most of this?”
If your coaches are upset ask yourself, “how can i make the most of this?”

When you ask yourself this question, events your life becomes a challenge and each situation or obstacle an opportunity. An opportunity to learn from or to make you better, stronger, and more compassionate as a person. Harness your mind to see everything as an opportunity for growth and not only will you be happier, but your life will become a challenging adventure!

Alison Arnold Ph.D. has been a mental toughness consultant to USA Gymnastics since 1997. If you have questions or want more information about her work go to