Tight Mind Monday: Relentless FLASHBACK


Doc Ali’s Tight Mind Monday FLASHBACK: Relentless

What does it mean to be mentally relentless? Being mentally relentless means that EVERY TIME your mind goes into places of fear, frustration and doubt, you have the fortitude to pull your thoughts back to confidence. Be aware of the thoughts you are saying to yourself.  Are they, “I can’t do this”, “this is too hard”, or "I’m tired”? Being relentless is having zero tolerance for loose mind. Loose mind is all those negative thoughts that keep you spiraling into the land of bad workouts and competitions!

Here is a 4-step Tight Mind tip to condition your mental toughness.  

Step One: When you become aware of a negative thought, say to yourself, STOP!

Step Two: Take a deep breath of confindence to help calm your emotions.

Step Three: Use the phrase, "I am relentless", to bring you mind back to a good place.

Step Four: Focus your mind on your coach’s correction on the next turn. This brings your mind back to the present.  

Be mentally relentless all this week. When you pull your thoughts back to tight mind, you get mentally stronger and stronger!