NLI Signing Day Roundup: NCAA New Kids on the Block

NLI Signing Day Roundup: NCAA New Kids on the Block

That beautiful week in November has finally arrived for the NCAA teams around the country, NLI Signing Day Roundup: NCAA New Kids on the Block

Nov 10, 2016 by Lauren Capone
NLI Signing Day Roundup: NCAA New Kids on the Block
That beautiful week in November has finally arrived for the NCAA teams around the country. National Letters of Intent are being signed and the parties are equally as exciting as the commitments themselves! Check out some of the top posts from every region!

Ohio State celebrated their first letter from WOGA gymnast Morgan Lowe 

Red seemed to be the theme at George Elite.

Legacy Elite had some big commits to celebrate!

Amanda Borden sure has a lot to proud of with her three signees. 

Minnesota officially welcomes Lexy Ramler!

Kim has lots to be proud of with Bailie Key heading to Alabama and Reagan Campbell going to LSU

Wildfire with a big group signing and smiling!

Auburn's class all suited up!

And plenty more parties celebrating this exciting time for all gymnasts!

Congratulations to all!