The Forgotten Worlds Contender: McKenzie Wofford

The Forgotten Worlds Contender: McKenzie Wofford

The Forgotten Worlds Contender: McKenzie Wofford

Sep 19, 2011 by Anne Phillips
The Forgotten Worlds Contender: McKenzie Wofford

The USA women are currently down at the Karolyi Ranch for the final selection camp for the 2011 World Championships team. On Wednesday, the 7 ladies who will represent the USA in Tokyo will be decided. 
Personally I think the two "locks" are Jordyn Wieber and Alicia Sacramone, but aside from that anything can happen. Freshest on our memory are the girls who competed at the Visa Championships in St. Paul. However, remember back in July when first year senior McKenzie Wofford representing Zenith Elite came out firing at the CoverGirl Classic and led the competition after 2 events? And she was looking fantastic in podium training in St. Paul until fracturing her foot on her side aerial+back layout step out on beam. She awkwardly fell off the beam and just like what happened in her first qualification to Visa Championships as a junior, her National meet was over before it started. 
Wofford is participating in the selection camps and hit in today's competition. Team USA is weak on bars to begin with and in the absence of Rebecca Bross they are in serious need of bar workers. 
This is precisely where Wofford can fit in. Her strongest event is uneven bars and she swings beautifully with exquisite toe point. At the Classic she had a 5.90 start value and may have upgraded since. She placed 5th overall on bars with an 8.70 execution (the 2nd highest E score). 
Here is a video of her bar routine at the 2011 CoverGirl Classic that some enthusiastic fans filmed from the stands:
Moving on to beam, Wofford had the highest difficulty score out of everyone at the Classic with a 6.30, and finished 4th overall with a 14.80 just behind Wieber, Sacramone, and Raisman.
Here she is on beam back in 2010 at the Visa Championships:

In the 2011 CoverGirl Classic all around she finished 4th with a 55.60, vaulting only a yurchenko full. Not bad for her senior debut. If the US team is in need of a bars and beam specialist, she could be the girl. If not Worlds, she would be great for the Pan American team. 

More McKenzie Wofford videos:
Beam podium training at the 2011 CoverGirl Classic
Bars podium training at the Classic
Video interview after finishing 4th at Classic
The official World Championships team of 6 women and 1 alternate will be announced at the conclusion of the camp on Wednesday night. Stay tuned to gymnastike for the announcement. In the meantime, let's hear your World team predictions!