Smells Like Men's Team Spirit

Smells Like Men's Team Spirit

Smells Like Men's Team Spirit

Sep 5, 2014 by Karen Psiaki
Smells Like Men's Team Spirit
As a former female gymnast, I absolutely love watching elite women’s gymnastics whenever I can. I’m enthralled by the newest skills and combinations being performed, the excitement in the arena , and (I’m not ashamed to admit) the gorgeous leotards. It’s my favorite hobby, hands down! But if I’m being honest, I almost prefer watching the men compete more than the women. I may not know all of the skill names or understand every detail of the scoring like I do on the female side, and the leotards certainly aren’t as exciting, but there’s still something captivating and engaging about it!
I’ve mulled over the phenomenon for a while and finally realize now what I love about men’s gymnastics… it's the joy, comradery and team spirit! I’m constantly blown away by how friendly, relaxed, and genuinely happy they all seem for one another. When a gymnast performs a great routine, everyone else cheers and congratulates them with big hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back, no matter what club, school, or country they represent.

Photo credit: Jessica Frankl

And the athletes aren’t afraid to show their enthusiasm when they hit a great routine either—their huge smiles, fist pumps, and clapping make me happy every time! It seems like such a small detail, but I think it actually makes a big difference in the atmosphere of the competition.

Photo credit: Jessica Frankl

I also admire how male gymnasts tend to be so selfless and team-oriented in their thinking. It’s not an easy thing to say “the team outcome is more important than my personal results,” but time and again, I am amazed by their ability to do so with grace. Even when things go poorly—a fall on a routine or not making the team for a certain competition—they maintain a focus on doing whatever their club, school, or country needs most from them. And that’s impressive!

Now before the women’s fans get too upset with me, let me clarify a few things. I’m not saying that the elite women AREN’T friendly, enthusiastic, or team-oriented, because they certainly are, but I think it’s a different ballgame. First of all, the atmosphere of women’s gymnastics in general is much more serious, so the gymnasts are expected to maintain their “game faces” when they’re on the competition floor. As we’ve all seen from Simone Biles and others, there are exceptions to the rule...

Photo credit: Christy Ann Linder

... but that's certainly not the norm. 

With a much larger field and more pressure to perform under the watchful eyes of the selection committees (at least in the USA), the atmosphere is much less congenial than in the men’s arena. There are so many women vying for only a few chances to represent their countries in international settings, so tension is naturally going to arise!
I also believe that age has a lot to do with the difference: the female athletes are much younger, so they may need to focus more internally in order to control their nerves and emotions. Not only that, but the age window for women’s gymnastics is so short that every competition and every routine could mean the difference between reaching a goal versus missing it forever. Unfortunately, there are fewer chances to come back and try again next year!
So why does all of this matter? I’m nothing more than a fan, so don’t take my word for gold, but I think it would be a great asset for team USA and all of the other national federations if the elite women could incorporate more of the fun, relaxed attitudes and team spirit from their male counterparts. Gymnasts like Jordyn Wieber set a great example in this way, putting their own feelings aside and performing well for the team even when they’re struggling personally.

And I hope that the men continue doing what they’re doing, because it seems to work, and it’s certainly fun to watch!