Shawn Johnson - Not Cool

Shawn Johnson - Not Cool

Mar 19, 2015 by Becca Reed
Shawn Johnson - Not Cool
Team USA posted an article featuring some of the country's top athletes fessing up on why they are "not cool," and celebrating their differences and unique attributes.

Nicole Alvarez, a DJ at Los Angeles rock station KROQ and sister of 2014 Olympic short track speedskater Eddy Alvarez, and photographer Tamar Levine started the online movement, We Are All Uncool. This movement asks people to celebrate their differences by posting a photo of themselves on social media holding a sign that says “I Am Not Cool” and listing three things about themselves that makes them unique.

2008 Olympic Champion Shawn Johnson is one of the athletes featured. Below are the reasons she listed that make her "not cool."

1. I'm still obsessed with Harry Potter. I once watched all the movies back to back for 48 hours straight and, yes, I've read all the books.
2. I can't throw a baseball for the life of me and I don't understand why. Football, heck yes. Baseball, not a chance. I once threw out the first pitch at a home Cubs game in Des Moines, Iowa, and did so bad I made ESPN's “Not Top Ten” for many consecutive weeks in a row.
3. I believe the most fashionable outfit I own are way oversized baggy Nike shorts and a baggy worn out T-shirt and tennis shoes. Yes, I wear it out in public on a daily basis.

See the full article on Team USA including lists from Olympic hurdler and Olympic bobsledder Lolo Jones, Olympic figure skating bronze medalist Ashley Wagner, and 17-time Paralympic swimming medalist Jessica Long.