15 New Years Resolutions for 2015

15 New Years Resolutions for 2015

Jan 3, 2015 by Dani from Gymnastike
15 New Years Resolutions for 2015
The month of January signifies a fresh start to yet another year of life full of promise with high hopes for a better year than the last. In the world of gymnastics, January also just so happens to signify the official start of the competition season. We know you’ve been spending a lot of time in the gym preparing and you may not have yet had the chance to outline your intentions for the upcoming season. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are the Top 15 New Year, New Season Resolutions for 2015.
#15. Be A Better Teammate
This one is pretty straightforward and an easy place to start. Whether it’s spotting the girl who needs extra strength deodorant during partner conditioning, or resetting the board a million times for the same person because they still don’t think it’s straight, it’s good karma to support your training buddies. Oh, and it’s definitely not ok to secretly hope for a teammate to fall so that you can win. Karma, remember?

#14. Stay In The Zone
When you walk into the competition arena, there is nothing that will distract you. Not any of the “celebs” in attendance. Certainly not the loud cheering or hype. And, especially not the other team’s awesome leos. It shouldn’t matter who’s in the stands or on the other events. You're going to be focused on the only person who matters on that floor: YOU! 

#13. Practice Makes Perfect
There are 365 days in the year and you will probably spend 73.8763% or more of those days in the gym practicing. If you want to move up to the next level, stop wasting time and commit to each practice as an opportunity to make yourself better than you were the day before.

#12. Less Time In The Chalk Box
We know you’ve got a special ritual for putting just the right amount of chalk on to get your bar workout done, but you’re on the clock when you step in the gym. Be more efficient!

#11. Making The Grade
Looking good in a leotard and performing feats that challenge the law of physics will, unfortunately, only get you but so far in life. Apply yourself to your studies so you can go pro in in real world life skills. Oh, and try not to skip class because you were too tired or sore from that Sunday travel meet. Okay, okay. Maybe just once this season

Photo by Oklahoma Women's Gymnastics Facebook Page

#10. Set Goals and Follow Through
You’re already on the right path with this NYR list, but you should take it a step further and write out a more detailed list of your goals. Whether it’s a new skill or qualifying for states, regionals, nationals, or elite, it’s important that for each goal, you explain exactly how you’re going to get there. As they say in the sport of basketball, it’s all about the follow through.

#9. Treat Yourself
No, we aren’t talking about indulging in an assortment of sweet and delectable desserts. We’re talking about the importance of taking care of your body. It’s crucial to take the necessary precautions to ensure that you have as healthy of a season as possible. Grit your teeth and take that ice bath after every practice and meet. Hold your nose and down those unappetizing vitamins and protein shakes. Go get massages or accupuncture if your muscles are tight. You kind of only have one body, so you should probably take care of it better than you take care of your smartphone.

#8. Daily Dose of Awesome
If you checked Gymnastike as often as you check your other social media networks, you’d be set. Stay up to date on everything gymnastics simply by checking out Gymnastike on the daily. If you really want to be awesome, you’ll sign up for Gymnastike Gold here. Get unprecedented access to exclusive content on the best gyms and teams in the country through our series “Beyond the Routine,” workout insider videos with gymnastics techniques, as well as the best coverage of gymnastics meets around the world.
You can also follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. We’re even Instafamous.

#7. Bigger and Better Routines
How else are you going to get your face on a Wheaties box? Step up your game and upgrade your routines, one skill at a time.

#6. Mental Toughness
We’ve all heard it before: “Gymnastics is 90% mental.” It’s absolutely mental, (as in crazy), if you don’t train your psyche to be just as tough, if not more than your body. Mental toughness is the ability to persevere through obstacles with the confidence that you will succeed. Not sure how? Lucky for you, we’ve revived our Mental Edge Monday series to get you the tips and tricks you need. Your mind will be tougher than the calluses on your hands in no time.

#5. Listen To Your Coach
Maybe, just maybe, this year you’ll consider that your coaches might actually know what they’re talking about. If you’re getting the same correction over and over again, perhaps it may be beneficial to possibly try to make the change?

#4. Improve Your Fitness - Build To Last
This is slightly related to #9, but a whole different monster in itself. As we all know, season can be brutally long. If you want to last the duration, you’ll do what it takes in the preseason and your spare time. You'll be Ford Tough; built stronger to last longer, i.e. the entire season. Fuel your body with healthier foods. Get in that extra cardio on your off day. Work on your flexibility more than just during warm ups and at the end of practice. Oh, and it’s probably not a bad idea to stop cheating on conditioning too.

#3. Avoid The Injured Reserved List
Injuries are inevitable in this sport. But, it should be every gymnasts goal to avoid the training room/doctors office at all costs. Just be sure to practice safe and fundamentally sound gymnastics. Easy, right? Or maybe you should just practice wearing one of these:

#2. Confidence
This one is HUGE. You can be your own worst enemy or you can be your own greatest asset. This year will be the year you fully trust your talent and ability. There is absolutely no reason to doubt your prowess on the competition floor. Go into each meet knowing that you have what it takes to win. There’s a thin line between being cocky and confident and honey, you aren’t cocky. You are convinced! 

#1. Enjoy Every Moment
Gymnastics may be your entire life  right now. You probably eat, sleep, breathe and dream it. But, as with all things in life, your time on the competition floor will, sadly, one day come to an end, and it will happen faster than you know it. Smile. Trust. Persevere. Laugh. Hope. Believe. Achieve. Appreciate everything you’ve gone through and enjoy every single moment of your journey.

You now have a pretty comprehensive list of resolutions for 2015. But, the real test will be STICKing to it. (See what I did there?)  Go take on the season with your sheer awesomeness!

What are your goals for 2015? Tag us on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #GymnastResolutions2015 