The Gym Mom Blog: A Happy Heart

The Gym Mom Blog: A Happy Heart

The Gym Mom Blog: A Happy Heart

Aug 1, 2012 by Jason MacDonald
The Gym Mom Blog:  A Happy Heart
If I wrote out an hour-by-hour timeline of my emotional status over the past 48 hours- it would look look like an EKG strip (nurse humor- lots of ups and downs in an EKG).  Since my last blog I think I have cried more than I have over the past 10 years in just a couple of days.  And I'm not even a crier!!

Monday, the day after the qualifier, I spent the day with my friends and family.  We went to 4 matches of beach volleyball and did a bit of sight-seeing.  We talked to Jo a couple of times and she seemed fine.  We were all a bit sad for her- but moving on.

Tuesday morning- Team finals day- I woke up with a pit in my stomach.  I knew the day could end up great- but if it didn't, I wasn't sure I could stand to see Jo sad anymore.  I spent some time reading all of the beautiful support on the internet for Jo and finally saw her post-meet interview- which brought tears to my eyes.  I was amazed at her composure and class at such a difficult moment.  It made me so proud.

I went for my run- then went to the church to do the rosary.  The minute I sat in the pew I unexpectedly started bawling- and continued to cry, probably harder than I ever have in my life, for about 2 hours.  It was seriously draining.  After being with 16 people non-stop for the past 2 days- the moment I was by myself I think I released every pent up emotion since 1972.

On the way to the arena I got a call that they wanted me to do an interview for NBC before the meet.  That's something I typically don't do before a meet.   I'm either a hot mess or drinking "ice tea" and not "camera-ready".  But, given the tremendous support for Jo expressed in every form of media- I felt obligated.  I made it through the interview and then just broke down in tears AGAIN afterwards.  Good Lord!!  I wasn't sure I could even pull it together for the meet.

We had 16 tickets to the meet- scattered throughout the arena.  I sat with my sister, Renee, and my BFF, Donna, my son Ryan and a few nephews.  Watching that meet (and I actually sat through the whole thing-- no pacing) was SO FUN.  We screamed for the USA on every landing.  As it became more clear that USA would win- I started watching Jo- she looked so HAPPY- it just warmed my heart.   The moment I saw the team receive their gold medals was one of the happiest in my life.  I couldn't have been prouder of that team.  They are truly best friends that shared an amazing experience that will bond them forever.

After a few hours in the arena bar with about 30 people celebrating and chanting "USA' about every 3-4 minutes we went to the P&G family home.  At the home we got to connect with all of the families of the rest of the team.  It was a great time!!  We finally got to talk to Jo who joking said they were celebrating by taking "ice baths".  She sounded so happy!

Of course- we couldn't end there-- We took the crowd to a couple of pubs along the Borough Market area where you can drink in the streets-- it was such a cool London-y time.  We made all kinds of friends and kept the "USA" chants going.  Such a happy time for so many.  I can't imagine ever feeling such a 

I can't express enough how touched we all are by the outpouring of support and empathy to Jordyn in the past couple of days.  The Olympics do really have a way of pulling people together.  That's what life is really all about to me-- sharing moments with others- good or bad.  Thank you everyone for all of your kindness.